The Learning Connexion offers tertiary level, NZQA approved qualifications in art and creativity. They are student-centred, hands-on, and emphasises the connections between the processes of art and the wider field of creativity. The overall goal is to achieve sustainable creativity for every student.
Throughout all our programmes students work closely with tutors or mentors to develop study briefs which connect with the ideas they choose to explore. Tutors and mentors provide assistance to meet technical needs and to develop an appropriate set of skills for each student, as well as give personalised feedback to help support each student’s creative exploration.
Programme descriptions
TLC wants you to develop your own viable, sustainable creative practice. Engaging with our programmes provides the tools to achieve this.
Your programme is made up of a series of practical, achievable Creativity Projects which enable you to work towards your personal goals. Each project is explained in terms of what you need to do, how to do it and the time frame to work within. The projects for each programme evolve from one to the other in a sequence which follow the Creative Spiral. They will help you to explore, practise, review and evolve the different aspects of your creative practice. Creativity projects allow you to test things out with the support and guidance of your mentor and tutors. We want you to start making, become brave about taking chances, try new things, think about what you want to achieve and get to know yourself as a creative.
These creativity projects ask all students to match their interests and goals with programme requirements. Distance delivery students will work with their mentors and the online resources. On-site students will work with their mentors and the resources provided by tutors in classes.
Study hours are of two types - tutor/mentor directed study and independent study.
Tutor/mentor directed study involves working either to your own or tutor/mentor directed creative briefs which focus on one or more aspects of the Creativity Projects.
Independent study is essentially an opportunity for you to work independently on an activity without the direct involvement of your mentor/tutor. At each level, the ratio of tutor/mentor directed study to independent study varies:
Level 4 - tutor/mentor directed study = 70%. Independent study = 30%
Level 5 - tutor/mentor directed study = 60%. Independent study = 40%
Level 6 - tutor/mentor directed study = 50%. Independent study = 50%
Level 7 - tutor/mentor directed study = 60%. Independent study = 40%