What is different about our programmes?
- Our TLC founder, Jonathan Milne designed a creativity spiral which is the centre of how we teach and how you will learn to enhance your creativity.
- Our experienced tutors and mentors are also exhibiting artists
- We are student-centric which means you can develop creative skills in a ways that foster your learning style.
How long can I take to complete my Creativity Qualification?
Most of our qualifications are designed to take one year (full-time) or two years (part-time). If the time period (see details below) is not sufficient, due to a change in circumstances, come and talk to us and we will try and find a potential solution together.
The details:
• New Zealand Certificate in Creativity (level 4):
- Full-time study is 20 wks with a commitment of 35 hrs a week of study.
- Part-time is a year with a commitment of 17.5hrs a week of study.
• New Zealand Diploma in Creativity (level 5): 1 year (full-time), 2 years (part-time)
- Full-time study requires a commitment of 34 hours per week.
- Part-time study requires a commitment of 17 hours of work per week.
• New Zealand Diploma in Creativity (level 6) 1 year (full-time), 2 years (part-time)
• Diploma of Art and Creativity (Advanced): 1 year (full-time), 2 years (part-time)
- Full-time study requires a commitment of 30 hours per week.
- Part-time study requires a commitment of 15 hours of work per week.
Do I have to be academically minded?
Although we have no written exams we do encourage students to be gain skills in research and critical analysis as they progress. Our programmes are hands-on and can be explored in a variety of ways to suit your learning style.
When can I start my programme?
On-site students start at the beginning of each term, view our term dates here.
Distance students can start their programme on the 1st, 4th or 7th Monday of the term. Students will need to work for nine weeks, and can then take a three-week break. Students must advise their mentor or Programme support of the decision for planning purposes.
Can I do any of TLC’s programmes without previous art experience?
Yes. Our Certificate Programme is aimed at helping students achieve a viable level of artistic skill; it is also an opportunity to try out a range of artistic disciplines. Tip: the more you use your skills, the better they will become!
Can I try out TLC’s programmes before committing to them?
Yes. You can try our programme out by booking into one of our Creativity Workshops or registering as a casual student for one of our on-site classes.
What sort of career can I expect after completing my programme?
The creativity skills you develop at The Learning Connexion can be transferred to many fields. We encourage students to do what they love for a living, continue to develop their natural talent, and look for a market niche that suits them. If your ideal job doesn’t exist, create it!
Potential career fields include: advertising, art project management and administration, being a professional artist, costume designer, craftsperson, film or television producer, florist, graphic designer, hairdresser, illustrator, scenic painter, interior and landscape designer, jeweler, mason, photographer, screen printer, sign-writer, tattoo artist, working in theatre production and design.
Check out what our graduates are up to now.
Do you recognise previous training or experience in art?
Yes. If you have previous experience or qualifications you can apply to skip our Certificate level 4 programme and apply for direct entry to level 5, 6 or 7. You will need to submit a portfolio for assessment. Entry to any programme level will be at the discretion of the Academic Board. Find more information here.
What needs to be included in a portfolio?
A portfolio needs to include artwork that shows competence in at least three types of visual media, e.g. drawing, painting and 3D, as well as the processes you went through to create the work, e.g. designs and sketches. Please include evidence of any relevant qualifications you have already achieved and a brief written outline of your creative experience.
In addition to submitting a portfolio, applicants for the Diploma of Art and Creativity (Advanced level) are also required to participate in an interview, the results of which become part of the application process.
Find out more about recognised prior learning and portfolio submissions.
Can I put my programme on hold and take a term off?
You cannot put your programme on hold once you are enrolled. In some cases we may be able to grant an extension, but only where there are extenuating circumstances.
Do I need to purchase anything?
Yes. You are expected to purchase your own art materielas. This is dependent upon the classes you take and your personal artistic goals. But if finance is an issue, do choose subjects that have cheaper materials.
Can I study part-time and work to support myself?
Yes, you can study any of our four qualifications part-time or full-time. This gives you the opportunity to develop artistic and creative skills while meeting existing personal commitments (e.g. work and family). However you will need us active engagement thoughout your programme bu uploading images of your work regularly to the Workroom.
Can I get a Student Loan and/or Student Allowance?
Yes, provided you meet the StudyLink criteria. Contact them on 0800 88 99 00 or find more information on: www.studylink.govt.nz
How can I be part of The Learning Connexion community?
TLC encourages all students to make direct contact with other students. We have a student facebook group for students to share their art and engage with their peers.
Make sure you keep up-to-date with what’s going on at TLC through our social media sites, or in person at our regularly held student exhibitions.
Who do I contact if I need help with my study?
For any study-related issues:
Distance Delivery and Onsite Students please contact your Creativity Kaiako before emailing Programme Support on ps@tlc.ac.nz or calling 0800 ART POWER (0800 278 769).
Can you tell me more about studying from home?
No matter where you live in the world you can study TLC’s art & creativity programmes through distance delivery (Study from home). Find out more here.
How do I enrol?
Click here to enrol
Book a TLC Campus Tour:
Contact Admissions on admissions@tlc.ac.nz
0800 ART POWER (278 769)
+64 (04) 568 0320