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Drawing Faces, Hands and Feet | Term One, 2024

With figure drawing, the hardest parts to draw are the face, the hands, and the feet. This class will cover how to draw each of these parts of the body, looking at the following:
* Key underlying structures of the face, hands and feet
* How to break these features down into positive and negative space to get proper proportions
* Foreshortening
The class will focus on morning introductory discussions, with practice drawing for the rest of the day with one-on-one tutoring.


* Learn to draw the human face, hands and feet
* Learn to capture likenesses and convey emotion with the face
* Live demonstrations of key approaches when drawing these features – foreshortening, negative and positive space, key angles and lines in each feature


* Learn how to draw the faces, hands and feet
* An improved ability to understand the construction of these from multiple angles, and not just from mental stereotypes


* Improved observational drawing skills regarding the face, hands and feet
* Improved confidence in drawing methods and techniques to help develop your own style
* Creativity Qualifications - main Creativity Projects covered (others may be covered depending on student project):
Level 4: Investigate - Creativity Project 1, Examine - Creativity Project 3
Level 5: Challenge - Creativity Project 1, Synthesise - Creativity Project 2, Apply - Creativity Project 3
Level 6: Initiate - Creativity Project 1

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Class Type: Mains Class
Tutor: Alan Poole
  • Every Wednesday (21 Oct - 06 Dec)
  • 9:30am - 4:30pm
  • Materials cost: Dependent on what materials are purchased from the materials list
    Casual Students: $630.00 + materials
  • T2.36
  • 15 (Max number of students)
Required Materials:
* Pencils - HB to 4B
* Eraser
* Visual Diary
* A2 Sketch Pad