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TERM 3: Drawing to Stitch - Experiments with Modern Embroidery | Term Three, 2024

Explore the possibilities and uses of modern embroidery techniques to create or enhance your artworks or creative projects.
If you have always wanted to experiment with textile art and a different approach to expressing your creative ideas, drawings and paintings, with fabric and stitch this will be a great starting point.
Working with hand-tools, rather than machine stitching, is a way to slow down a process and build an image in layers using stitch to both construct, draw and add texture and light to your pieces.
This is also a wonderful way to explore using what you have, repurposing and reusing found and gathered materials in a very creative way.
Ideal for beginners and anyone else wanting to refresh their work!


* Create a design and transferring it to a support.
* Collage with fabric and apply simple stitch processes using variations of basic running stitch, seed and weaving stitches
* Ways to stain and paint fabric using acrylic paint and inks
* Explore ways to paint with textiles, looking for visual interest with colour and texture
* We will begin with a simple creative stitch exercise using a favourite or inspirational word then open up to explore your individual creative ideas


* Explore new materials and process - experiment and create
* Learn how to enhance your work with different hand stitch techniques
* Collaborate and share the creative process with others in the class
* Make a range of work


* A range of experimental, and possibly completed, works
* Recognise the creative potential of transferring a drawn and or painted design into a new work

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Class Type: Block Week
Tutor: Marie Lotz
  • Every Block Week Two ( - )
  • 9:30am - 4:30pm
  • Materials cost: Dependent on what you have and can find from the listed items.
    Casual Students: $450.00 + materials
  • T1.34
  • 12 (Max number of students)
Required Materials:
* Fabric preferably pre loved or recycled with an easy weave to stitch through, calico, cotton or linen, raw canvas (washed is best) patterned or plain, linen is great to stitch with
* Ephemera - can include: old buttons, jewellery, beads etc, second hand vintage, hand stitched tapestry or embroideries are great to incorporate in new works
* Threads in varying weights and thicknesses - can include wool
* Needles to match the thickness of your threads
* Scissors
* Visual diary
* Embroidery hoop (optional)
* Thimble (optional)
* Pins (optional)
* Pencil, HB/B softness
* Acrylic paint, inks or watercolour and intense pencils are great but not essential