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TERM 3: Adventures in Bookbinding | Term Three, 2024

Love books? In this class you'll learn the basics of Japanese stab binding, long stitch binding, basic sewn binding and case construction.
You will also have the opportunity to experiment with monotype to create your pages. We will create several A5 size books.
Suitable for all levels.


Introduction to -
* basic sewn binding
* long stitch binding
* Japanese stab binding
* case construction
* monotype
* Discussion of processes, possibilities and outcomes


* Explore book construction processes
* Learn the basics of several different styles of book binding
* Learn basics of monotype
* Design and create a series of handmade books
* Gain the necessary knowledge to continue designing and making books in the future
* Have fun!


* Skills in various book binding methods
* A set of handmade books

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Class Type: Block Week
Tutor: Marci Tackett
  • Every Block Week Two ( - )
  • 9:30am - 4:30pm
  • Materials cost: $15 class fee for use of shared supplies.
    Casual Students: $450.00 + materials
  • G1.15 Printmaking
  • 12 (Max number of students)
Required Materials:
* Paper - tablex paper, watercolour paper, incisioni paper, coloured paper etc.
* Collage bits, old drawings, paintings and prints - if you'd like to use them as pages and covers
* Paint brushes, watercolours - if you have them
* Metal ruler, pencil, set square, builders square or combination square
* Thin fabric to make your covers
* Bull dog clips - if you have them
* Bamboo or bone folder
* Drypoint tool or awl - if you have one
* Scalpel
* Cheap brushes for gluing
* Self healing cutting matt - if you have one
* Thimble
* Old candle or chunk of wax
* Matt knife - heavy duty and sharp
* Sewing Machine, thread - if you think you might use it
* Fabric Scissors - if you have them