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Sculptural Clay-Totems and Towers | Term Three, 2024

Join your tutors Mel and Nicky to build a totemic form from clay which represents who you are!
Use this opportunity to explore clay and form as we construct sculptural towers and totems suitable for display in the gallery or garden.
Harness some simple hand-building techniques to create multiple-piece works which can be stacked to form your own personal totem.
For those who are more confident with clay construction already, you might choose to work on one large piece that will take you higher.
Suitable for all levels.


* Introductions and best practice guidelines
* Discussion about ideas and a look at a variety of examples of work of relevance to this class as a group and to individuals
* Discussion and demonstrations regarding suitable approaches to construction using hand building techniques
* Develop initial ideas and construct forms with guidance from your tutors as required
* Refine forms
* Application of slips to add colour to the work before it is dried and ready to fire


* Create sculptural totem forms and towers and enhance your understanding of clay and appropriate construction techniques which can be slip-decorated and fired without the need for glazes
* Follow best practice guidelines
* Extend your creative practice by trying new things


* Make one or more multiple-piece totems or towers from clay using hand building techniques
* Have a deeper understanding of the material and creative processes involved in creating the work
* Create work decorated with slips ready to be dried and high-fired in the kiln without the need for glazes

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Class Type: Block Week
  • Every Block Week One ( - )
  • 9:30am - 4:30pm
  • Materials cost: $30 for decorative slips and firing fee. You can bring your own clay or purchase it per kilo. Maximum firing weight is 10 kg per student.
    Casual Students: $450.00 + materials
  • Hot Arts 2 – Ceramics / Wax
  • 20 (Max number of students)
Required Materials:
You will need approximately 5 kg of clay for this class. You can purchase this from the school or bring your own providing it can be fired to 1220 Degrees Celsius