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Smoke Free | Auahi Kore Campus 

The Learning Connexion is a Smoke Free/Auahi Kore campus.

The Learning Connexion (TLC) is committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our community and providing a positive, healthy learning environment. As of 29 April 2024, TLC has become a 100% Smoke Free/Auahi Kore campus. This means that smoking and vaping is prohibited in ALL areas of our campus, including outdoor areas, at ALL times. As a 100% Smoke Free/Auahi Kore campus, we all benefit by having a healthier place to study and work.

TLC’s Smoke Free/Auahi Kore policy:

  • provides a healthy and safe environment for staff, students, contractors and other visitors to whom the policy applies

  • protects the right of everyone to breathe clean air

  • defines where people may, or may not, smoke and

  • makes support available for people who wish to stop smoking

Our policy is based on the following principles, found in the Smoke Free Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990; the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and the Human Rights Act 1993. 

  • All persons who do not smoke are entitled, so far as reasonably practicable, to be protected from second hand smoke when on campus

  • The Learning Connexion shall support all efforts and initiatives to promote a Smoke Free/Auahi Kore lifestyle

  • So far as reasonably practicable, The Learning Connexion must ensure the health and safety of all staff, students and visitors

You can read the policy, which came into effect on 29 April 2024, here:

Smoke Free / Auahi Kore Campus policy 

Policy FAQs

Why become 100% smoke free?

TLC is committed to protecting the health and safety of staff, students and visitors to our campus and becoming 100% smoke free reflects this commitment. As an educational institute, we wish to support wellbeing and promote healthy lifestyles for our community. Updating our policy to 100% smoke free better aligns us with New Zealand legislation on Smoke Free Environments (the Smoke Free Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990) which requires all indoor workplaces and the buildings and grounds of schools and early childhood centres to be smoke and vape free. 

Why is there no longer a designated smoking area?

Having designated smoking areas makes it difficult to maintain our smoke free areas. It is also not consistent with our aim to promote a healthy campus and the wellbeing of our community at TLC. Becoming 100% smoke free avoids any confusion around where people can and cannot smoke and no one will be unwillingly exposed to second-hand smoke that drifts into a smoke free area.

Where can I smoke when I am at TLC?

Becoming a 100% smoke free campus means that you cannot smoke or vape anywhere on our campus. This includes all outdoor areas such as:

  • carparks

  • gardens and bush areas

  • our main driveway

  • the entrance to the school

Anyone who wishes to smoke or vape will need to move off campus, outside of TLC boundaries. 

Can I smoke in my own car?

No. Allowing smoking in cars on our campus does not align with our commitment to support the health and wellbeing of our TLC community.

What support is available for those to wish to quit smoking?

Smoking and vaping can have serious effects on your health and the health of others. TLC is proud to become a smoke free campus. However, we recognise and understand that giving up cigarettes and vapes isn't easy. Support is available for anyone who does smoke and would like help to stop.  You can find relevant links to free specialist stop smoking services and information below: 

  • Smokefree 

  • Quitline | Me Mutu Quitline is open 24/7 and can help you quit in a number of different ways. You can ring, text, email or do it all online. Call Quitline free on 0800 778 778 or text 4006.

  • Takiri Mai te Ata Whānau Ora Collective Takiri Mai Te Ata Whānau Ora Collective - Regional Stop Smoking Service is a free stop smoking service that will support clients in their journey to become smoke free. Ph: 0800 WAN AKP (0800 926 257) Email: takirimaiteata@kokiri-hauora.org.nz.

What should I do if someone is smoking or vaping on campus?

If you see someone smoking or vaping on campus you can:

  • gently remind them that the policy has changed and that we are now a smoke free campus

  • direct them to nearby signage or to the information on our website

  • be respectful and politely ask them to stop smoking

  • let them know that anyone who wishes to smoke will need to move off campus

If there is a repeated issue with smoking or vaping in a particular location on campus, please notify our Health and Safety team at health&safety@tlc.ac.nz who can further investigate and consider more signage or other measures to ensure the new policy is observed.

Further Questions? 

If you have any further questions about our Smoke Free/Auahi Kore policy, please contact our Culture & Employment team at cultureandemployment@tlc.ac.nz