Chaos and Creativity: 4 Steps to New Creative Power
Wake up!—Be the process!—Learn the flavours!—Follow the fractals! Chaos and complexity theory offer insights (metaphorical at minimum) into change and emergence (“whole is greater than sum of its parts”).
Posted on 14 Dec 2015[0] CommentsCreativity Crosses Community Boundaries
Creativity Crosses Community Boundaries
Posted on 14 Dec 2015[1] CommentsFrom Te Po - The Darkness, to Te Aro Marama - The World of Light
From Te Po - The Darkness, to Te Aro Marama - The World of Light
Posted on 14 Dec 2015[3] CommentsGraduate Profile: Todd Sheridan
Last weekend, I found myself in Gisborne. I paid a visit to TLC Graduate Todd Sheridan, who was a former student of mine from 2009.
Coming to your Senses
Jonathan Milne is managing director and founder of The Learning Connexion (TLC), New Zealand’s only tertiary school fully dedicated to teaching creativity. He believes that the creative process is transferable from one field, such as art, to another, such as science.
Posted on 08 Dec 2015[0] CommentsTransferable Criteria of Creativity: A Universal Aesthetic
Transferring creativity concepts to areas and activities where they are not traditionally applied requires, among other things, concepts for recognising creative thinking and acting in these areas – a universal aesthetic of creativity.
Posted on 01 Dec 2015[0] CommentsBody Mapped: Rich pictures for self-inquiry
The focus of this 20 minute presentation was on one creative element within the workshop – Body Mapping.
Body Maps provide a visually rich picture for people to see themselves and others from a different viewpoint.
Get Better Work Stories
Boundaries are something for those living with disability that are constants.
Sometimes it takes a little creativity to find ways to overcome them.
Sometimes it takes a bit of a fight.
Securing a Haven for Creative Collaboration
Conventional ‘expert’ collaborations recognize only familiar problems and familiar solutions.
Their focus is doing the job right. However, if we hope to design creative solutions, we must conduct our collaborations with a fundamentally different strategy...
Beyond Words: The Power of Working Visually
In a fast-paced, visually engaging presentation, Michelle Walker covers the key points of why visual thinking is an important professional and personal skill in our text-heavy world.
Posted on 03 Nov 2015[0] Comments
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