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New Zealand Diploma in Creativity (Level 6) - Version 2

All students who enrol from January 2025 will enrol in version 2. Part time students who enrolled after April 2024 will transiton to version 2 of the programme - if you are currently enrolled contact your mentor for more details.

This programme is intended for people who want to develop specialised creative knowledge and skills essential to operating independently in creative environments. It is about ākonga knowing and being confident in expressing the kaupapa behind their creative practice and process (Mā te mōhio, ka mārama).

Ākonga are able to independently mix and select different creative art subjects which best suit their interests and needs to express their creativity.

The programme is particularly suits ākonga from a wide range of backgrounds and who are looking to increasingly operate independently. Ākonga are able to explore what interests them, analyse and draw influence from other creative cultures and contexts, and confidently engage with external audiences to present their work.

Three Programme Components have been designed to fit TLC's strongly äkonga-centred pedagogy:

‘Self’, in relation to whānau, whakapapa and kaupapa. This is where ākonga begin to be confident in the knowledge of their intrinsic drivers and creative goals, and become more proficient in expressing this in their practice. Ākonga will seek out knowledge of other cultures and communities and what these mean for their work, and are able to explore and express cultures most relevant to their self, including Māori and Pasifika. Ākonga will discover creative influences from other contexts and cultures and reflect this in their own creative work.

‘Materials and Processes’ giving ākonga opportunities to explore materials and processes across disciplines. In this Programme Component, ākonga will broaden their technical skills, using a range of tools and technologies through active research: experimenting, testing and evolving outcomes. They will begin to create and manage creative projects independently.

‘Environment, Culture and Community’ presenting work, communicating with external stakeholders, and professional practice requirements. Ākonga will present a creative project, gaining a deeper knowledge of professional practice. They will evaluate their own creative work and the work of others showing consideration of cultural intellectual property.

These three Programme Components are not delivered in a linear manner, because creativity is not a linear process.


Ākonga are expected to advance each of the Programme Components at the same time throughout the delivery schedule. The programme is delivered as one course with regular informal (documented) mentor/student feedback/feedforward sessions, and a formal Progress Check when (10%, 25% for part time) 50% and 75% (pre completion) of the programme has been completed. One to one guidance from mentors at each feedback/feedforward session keeps each student on track with how they will meet all programme requirements.

Success as a student and as a mentor or tutor hinges on an interactive dialogue. As part of this process, feedback is the heart of creativity. Taking something, doing something to it, reflecting on this and then responding to the result, ensures students and tutors are constantly learning, growing and evolving.

The programme has three modes of delivery::

Onsite - Creative arts options available:

Painting, Drawing, Illustration, Printmaking, Jewellery, Photography, Digital art, Ceramics, Glass casting, Hot Arts (forging & bronze casting), Carving (Oamaru stone and wood), Assemblage (mixed media)

Restricted Programme (from prison) - Creative arts options available:

Painting, Drawing, Illustration, Whakairo (where available) Assemblage (mixed media), Raranga

Distance Delivery - Creative arts options available:

Painting, Drawing, Illustration, Printmaking, Jewellery, Photography, Digital art, Ceramics, Carving (Oamaru stone and wood), Assemblage (mixed media), Raranga


Graduates of this programme are intended to pathway into employment, progression to Level 7 study at TLC is available. Ākonga will have developed the skills and knowledge for self-employment, including development of commissioned work. The ability to create independently also means graduates are suited for positions with a range of creative businesses and/or community organisations.

 For more information about enrolling in the programme please contact our Admissions team