Commitment and the ability to maintain studies are the key prerequisites for our qualifications. It is not necessary to have ‘talent’, art experience or prior qualifications. Students begin at the Certificate level unless recognition of prior learning is obtained.
Completion of each programme gives automatic entry into the next level, except for Level 7 Advanced.
Entry into the Certificate of Art and Creativity programme does not require art experience or prior qualifications. Students may be asked to complete an introductory creativity exercise.
Entry into the Diploma of Creativity (Level 5) and Diploma of Creativity (Level 6) requires relevant experience/qualifications. Students who have not completed the Certificate in Creativity (Level 4) may apply for recognition of prior learning (see below).
Entry into the Diploma of Art and Creativity (Advanced) programme is open to students who have completed the Diploma of Art and Creativity (Hons). Students who have experience as a practising artist and/or a minimum level 6 qualification may apply for recognition of prior learning for entrance into our Advanced programme. Selection involves an interview process and presentation of a portfolio.
Persons under 18 years of age are legally classified as minors and in such cases the enrolment contract must be co-signed by a parent or guardian. Persons under 16 years must meet Ministry of Education criteria.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Students wanting to enrol above Certificate level are required to submit a portfolio for admission.
The portfolio needs to include: evidence of relevant qualifications or prior creative experience; a written statement outlining the level you would like to skip and why; a set number of creative works (or images of works) evidencing the creative requirements of the level the student would like recognition of prior learning for.
Please contact the Admissions team if you require further information.